KATANA 刀 marketing & entertainment

Katana is the world’s first licensing company to lead corporations towards solving their own problems and realizing sustainable growth.
We dispatch top marketers and professionals from various fields to client companies to support long-term development.


Frequent Requests

We want to improve sales and profits, and obtain the systems to have confidence in achieving this.

We want to judge investment based on scientific methods rather than personal instinct and improve accuracy.

We want to strengthen mid- and long-term strategies and share confidence with executives about their achievability.

We want to nurture the organization and human resources to facilitate sustainable growth.

We want to foster marketing within the company, leading to successful business through its application.


Katana as a cooperating partner will work side-by-side to formulate and implement strategies and structure the organization to “build a strong brand, and to transfer Katana marketing know-how into the client corporation”,

in order to achieve substantial
and sustainable improvements.

in order to achieve
substantial and
sustainable improvements.

Marugame Seimen

Food Service

95–113% year-on-year growth achieved in a short time,
despite presence in a mature market

Utilizing our scientific approach that forecasts demand, we redefined brand values in partnership with Marugame Seimen to develop and implement new marketing plans. As the new branding, calculated to raise the rate of consumers selecting Marugame Seimen, spread, the business extended – showing a 10pts growth in customer numbers for existing shops in just 4 months.

Realizing dramatic and
sustainable growth in diverse industries

  • Norinchukin Value Investiments Co,Ltd.
  • Seibuen Amusement Park


President and CEO

Tsuyoshi Morioka

Why is transferring marketing know-how necessary?

Why is transferring marketing know-how necessary?

Strengthening “marketing ability” at its essence is one of the most important elements for corporations that position themselves in intense marketing environments.
The existing consultancy model, which only provides solutions to issues the client faces, does not establish marketing as a power in the client’s arsenal.
If you want fish, outsourcing the fishing process continually is not a fundamental solution – what is necessary is the “fishing rod and techniques” that enable you to fish yourself.
We sometimes act as the right-hand man of a determined leader in a client corporation, or sometimes place ourselves in the client as an interested party, working towards business growth and business creation. By doing so, we actualize creation of new values and grow the client company.

Our utmost wish is to spread true marketing skills through more companies, business, and industries to contribute to the revitalization of Japanese society. Katana aims to be the weapon of Japan in competition with the world, and is determined to continue moving forward to energize Japan with our marketing.

Energizing Japan through

our marketing and entertainment!

Energizing Japan

through our marketing

and entertainment!

Tsuyoshi Morioka

The strategist and marketer that represents Japan
Unique strategic theories, applying higher mathematics and know-how to produce innovative ideas, marketing theories and more: Tsuyoshi Morioka introduced a series of “Morioka Methods” at USJ at the crux of its management crisis, which restored its performance drastically in just a few years. After revitalizing USJ, Morioka set up the company Katana. He appears in various media, including NHK’s “The Professionals”, TV Tokyo’s “Cambria Kyuden”, MBS Sunday’s “Sunday's Hatsumimi-gaku” and various other TV programs, magazines, etc. He is also a best-selling author of business books.


A sustainable growth realization process
informed by Katana’s marketing know-how

We offer step-by-step support for clients, who can acquire Katana’s marketing know-how from zero and anchor it in their organization.

Designing a brand and creating a reason to be chosen

Katana Initiative Phase
Designing a brand and creating a reason to be chosen
  • Dispatching people with the expertise necessary for each industry
  • Revealing the natural instincts of consumers and developing a brand architecture to meet their desires
  • Using Katana’s demand-forecast model with higher mathematics to raise success rates

Formulating the brand and constructing the organization for it

Working Side-by-side Phase
Formulating the brand and constructing the organization for it
  • Transferring knowledge through new brand campaigns and their analysis
  • Introducing customization in organizational activity systems, fostering more consumer-oriented decision making
  • Implementing training in each field of expertise

Continuing to strengthen the brand to develop self-driven organizations

Independent Phase
Continuing to strengthen the brand to develop self-driven organizations
  • Constructing schemes that facilitate brand development, not only in marketing but in all other departments, such as sales and product development
  • Introducing human resource schemes that reward the talent that develops a consumer-oriented brand
  • Developing in-house trainers who can conduct expert field training


Realizing growth in various industries

Norinchukin Value Investments


Increasing the value of investment, reaching 7 times more accounts and 13 times more net assets

The trust investment Obune series, for which Katana cooperated in brand re-development, has continued to grow under the policies of fund manager Kazushige Okuno, and now has 7 times more accounts and 13 times more net assets (as of July 2021). We remain in cooperation towards further growth, not only with the advertisement of their products, but also with promotion of the idea of long-term investment and establishment of support for it, relating to the reduction of the deep-rooted “investment allergy” of Japanese people.

Seibuen Amusement Park


Seibuen Amusement Park’s 10 billion yen renewal

Katana employed its consumer-oriented marketing know-how to the Seibuen Amusement Park, which had not been “a brand of choice.” With the concept of “overflowing with pure, unadulterated happiness”, the energetic and lively world of the 1960s was recreated, the theme park redefined as a place with a live feeling that continuously involves guests.

Nesta Resort Kobe


Numbers of both visiting customers and sales increased by over 200% in just one year, evidencing a V-shaped recovery

Katana redefined the brand positioning of Nesta Resort Kobe in the region with a high probability of success: it constructed a grand strategy to reposition it as an “adventure theme park in wild nature” that offers great excitement and stimulates human nature. It achieved its first operating profit during the Covid pandemic.


For inquiries

Please inquire for our marketing know-how transfer program

Please inquire for our marketing know-how transfer program